“No doubt about it, Ernie Krivda is one of the originals of the tenor saxophone” wrote Bill Donaldson for Cadence Magazine about the legendary jazz musician whose 6th decade on the music scene is already filled with a variety of accomplishment. The tenor saxophonist is regarded by critics such as the late Harvey Pekar as "one of the best jazz tenor men in the world". The composer has written countless compositions in multiple genres. The recording artist has well over thirty albums released on a number of record labels with more on the way. The teacher has former students performing and recording all over the world.
In 2009 Ernie Krivda received the Cleveland Arts Prize award for lifetime achievement in music and the lifetime of achievement continues. Krivda who has recently won the Jazz Legends award from Cleveland's Tri-C jazz Festival and a CPAC (Community Partnership of Arts and Culture) Fellowship worth twenty thousand dollars, continues with great energy and passion career that spans over 50 years.
“Ernie Krivda almost blew the sun out of the sky...still at the top of his game..." - Detroit Metro Times
Learn more about Ernie www.erniekrivda.com